Sunday, March 4, 2007

Kidman Tightens The Screws On Urban

Treatment at the Betty Ford Clinic may have gotten Keith Urban sober, but it's his wife Nicole Kidman who's taken responsibility for keeping him from relapsing. And Nicole's not screwing around either. The fiery actress has ordered her husband to stop seeing certain old friends she thinks are a bad influence on him, and even made him fire some of his long-time booze-swilling roadies. And if you're an old drinking buddy of Keith's, don't even bother trying to get in touch with him - cause Nicole doesn't allow those calls to go through.

Now, I think it's lovely that Nicole is so worried about her husband, I the only one who thinks the bitch sounds a little too controlling? All right, so maybe Keith needs to be kept on a short leash. He was a pretty serious drunk before, and sometimes tough-love is what a person like that requires. However, when I hear about Nicole's demands on Keith, I can't help thinking of another person, once also married to Nicole Kidman, who is himself known for being a bit of a dictatorial shit. Of course I'm talking about Tom Cruise. Nicole not letting Keith's friends talk to him on the phone sounds a lot like Tom putting a cap on how many minutes Katie is allowed to talk to her friends. Of course, the motives here are at least superficially different - Nicole's trying to keep Keith from becoming a drunk again, while Tom - well, he's just batshit. But I say "superficially different" because - well, you never know do you? Maybe Nicole is a female version of Tom Cruise. Vice-like in her psychological grip. Makes you wonder what kind of stuff went on in their relationship. Could Kidman's controlling nature have somehow shaped Tom's? Was Nicole actually his mentor in tyranny? What are the chances of Keith and Katie perpetrating some kind of mutual bust-out and ending up together? Has my toast popped up yet?