Looks like you can pretty much throw any notion of Lindsay Lohan as a sober person out the window. According to Page 6, the allegedly recovering alcoholic was seen swilling champagne while partying with Jude Law over the weekend. Last I looked champagne was alcohol and people who go around wearing AA chips aren't supposed to drink any alcohol. Maybe Lindsay just thinks the AA chips look cool. They're accessories, like water bottles and freakish lips. Still, Lindsay's insufferable rep Leslie Sloane Zelnik keeps shoveling the shit. Said Zelnik to Page 6:
Lindsay's doing fine. She's taking her life day-by-day.
More like drink-by-drink. But, of course, we knew the rehab thing was just a scam perpetrated to placate the movie people. Lindsay's got everyone on her little leash - the movie producers, the media, her absurd parents. She's the queen of her own little kingdom - Lohania. And it ain't Voss running in the rivers of Lohania either.