Sienna Miller likes flapping her yap. Luckily for her, there are plenty of people wanting to interview her. Like Simon Hattenstone of The Guardian. He chatted with Sienna recently about a multitude of topics. And she was not shy about giving her opinions. Some choice bits:
On her apology over her infamous Shitsburgh comment:
...I was halfway through shooting a movie called The Mysteries Of Pittsburgh and the producers were understandably very distressed at the riot I had caused, so it was kind of damage control. I understand the patriotism of that city, but really I don't think it was that big a deal. I had to meet the mayor live on TV and apologise. It was huge! People are dying in Iraq and where is our focus, d'you know what I mean? Having met me, you'll realise these things just come out. I think it might be mild Tourette's, not to insult people who have proper Tourette's, but I will say the most inappropriate things at the most inappropriate time to the most inappropriate person. Always. Guaranteed.
(Mild Tourette's? How about acute fucktardiness? "People are dying in Iraq and where is our focus?" Yes Sienna, you're right - people are dying in Iraq. But your little dust-up in Pittsburgh was taking everyone's attention away from it. That's how important it was. In fact, had it not been for that diversion, we probably would be out of Iraq by now. Thanks a lot Shitsburghians!)
On other "funny" nicknames she and her friends have come up with for American places:
Massivetwoshits is Massachusetts. Connecticunt, or Connectibutt. We came up with loads ... But I don't deliberately hurt anybody. And, actually, I like Pittsburgh, I do.
(How did you miss West Vagina and Missipeepee, Sienna?)
On being famous for being Jude Law's woman:
It was like best of times, worst of times. I don't want to talk about Jude out of respect to him, but at the point that it was happening I was falling madly in love with him. In one sense it was a really happy time. I'm not going to talk about what it was like, because it was really intense and really intimidating. Boring!...
It made me nervous. But you know, you'd take active steps to rectify that. I did a play, which is something I'd always wanted to do, four months of Shakespeare in the West End - you can't say you're in this for the wrong reasons or for celebrity. I love my job, I've always loved my job.
(She respects Jude. Please. She has about as much regard for him as I do for yesterday's toilet paper. And oh, she did Shakespeare to prove she was a real actress and not just Jude Law's woman. Of course that worked.)
On dealing with the paparazzi:
...I think it's adrenaline. You feel you're in a video sometimes. I play these games to make it more amusing, like I'm Lara Croft or something. So I find myself ducking behind cars and I've got my girlfriends and we once filled a supersquirter with pee and squirted it at them.
(Sienna Miller as Lara Croft. Don't tell Angelina or she'll get pissed. And again, very mature behavior from Sienna. Dousing photographers with urine. Let me guess - after that you lit a bag of turd and left it on their step?)
On playing Edie Sedgwick:
It was my decision to try to immerse myself in that character, and I was playing somebody who was self-destructive and sometimes it was upsetting ... So after I'd been researching it for a year I had this way of talking and this way of laughing, this way of smoking, this way of dancing, this whole character that you've worked on, and then it's like, 'It's a wrap, bye, guys, bye,' and you're like, 'Eeeeeugh, what do I do with it, what do I do now?' That's why a lot of actors, straight after a film, go away on holiday for two weeks, turn their phones off, and I didn't. I was like a little bit confused, a little overwhelmed. I had fun being that person. It's not like I sat there talking like Edie and making people call me Edie, but I didn't want to take the black tights off and I still don't.
(Sienna Miller - method-actress. Right. Her and Al Pacino.)
On her drug use while playing Edie Sedgwick:
I didn't up my drug intake...Edie shot up amphetamine and shot up heroin to come down off amphetamine and that's serious drug-taking, and look where it got her. And I'm not irresponsible by any means in that way. And I didn't drink more - bear in mind I was working 18-hour days. ... I took a morphine pill, just to feel what a safe way of taking heroin was like.
(Hmm, maybe you should've taken drugs Sienna. Then you might be interesting now.)
On why people take drugs:
'Cos they're fun! 'Cos they're fuckloads of fun! No, don't write that. I always end up putting my big fat foot in it.
(Sienna Miller admits she has a big fat foot, and that it's always in it. What is it always in? Some of the mess left over from Massivetwoshits?)
On what makes her angry:
George Bush. Dick Cheney, more importantly, the most terrifying man. The fact that we're fighting a war in Iraq and most of the people over there dying don't even know why they're there. There's an image of Americans in a tank, and an Iraqi woman walks down the street and she sees the tank and the soldiers just run her over. They think she's getting a weapon and they shoot her, and she's holding a white hankie. It's the most futile ... it upsets me more than anything. Also, I don't want to pretend we live in a democracy when we've got 78% of the country that don't want to be at war, and we're still at war. Basically, we're living under a fascist regime.
(We're living under a fascist regime. Well, you know Sienna, you're welcome to leave any time you like. In fact, if you're so concerned about what's happening in Iraq, why don't you go over there? Poke around a little bit. Don't bother about a flak-jacket or any of that - I'm sure nothing will happen. You're a celebrity. Everyone knows celebrities never get hurt.)