Friday, March 16, 2007

Update: Kid Rock Accused Of Assault - No Charges Will Be Filed

Filthy music star and former Pam Anderson husband Kid Rock is under investigation for assault in Michigan. The alleged victim, a 28-year-old woman, says she and a male friend met Rock in a bar and were invited to return to the musician's home to listen to tunes and continue drinking. The woman says that when she tried to leave Rock became belligerent, grabbing her by the back of the neck and shoving her toward her car. Rock himself admits to having invited a man and woman to his home on the night in question, but in his version of events, the woman became obnoxious and threatened to accuse him of assault when he tried to throw her out. The woman's male friend corroborates her version of the story, while another witness backs Rock's. Says an Oakland County, Michigan police spokesman:

At this point, we have two people who say one thing and two other people that say something else. Once the investigation is completed, a report will be given to the Oakland County Prosecutor's Office.

Sounds like things have reached a stalemate there. So I guess that means Crabbie will have to jump in and clear things up. Not too hard, considering who we're dealing with. I mean, this Kid Rock character - I'm not exactly familiar with his music, but I do know a dirtbag when I see one. Now, the alleged victim probably isn't any prize herself - I mean, she did go home with Kid Rock after he met her in a bar - but that's kind of beside the point. Kid Rock is the dirtbag in question here, and I know exactly what should be done about him - he should be locked in a room with Sean Combs. And then snakes should be released into the room. And the high girlie screams should be recorded and released on iTunes.


Update: The Oakland County prosecutor's office has declined to press charges against Kid Rock, citing lack of evidence. Kid however is not letting the matter lie - he's looking into taking legal action against the woman who accused him. So it looks like ho was lying and Kid didn't do anything.
