Fergie is a well-known pop-star now, but in her earlier life she was a rebellious Catholic-school girl who indulged her youthful appetites by having lesbian sex and doing crystal meth. Dang - Fergie used to be interesting. Dish it girl:
I have had lesbian experiences in the past. But I started having sex quite late on - after I was 18. I was raised a good Catholic girl. ... I won't say how many men I have slept with, although it's not many, but I am a very sexual person.
Yeah, go Fergie. Brag about that lesbo background. You haven't had sex with many men - of course not, you're too busy getting it on with chicks. Oh, but you never resorted to whoring, even when you were a total meth-freak:
When I was going through my out-of-control phase, I could have got into some very dangerous situations. But I never sold my body - ever. ... I even had a gun put to my head during a Los Angeles drug deal that went wrong. Luckily, I got out of it.
Yeah, luckily. That would've been terrible if you'd been shot. No more Fergie. Oh, this is great stuff. Her "out-of-control" phase. As opposed to the phase she's in presently, where she doesn't do drugs or fuck women anymore, but routinely soils herself on-stage, and gets kicked off of planes for being drunk. Yes, Fergie. You're in a much healthier place now.