Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Posh Reality Show May Be D.O.A.

We all had high-hopes for Victoria and David Beckham's forthcoming NBC reality show, but now it looks like the show may not be happening. According to Marie Claire, the network is reticent to go ahead with the project because, despite Posh's promises, she has failed to convince any of her celebrity friends to appear. Said a source:

So far, all that's been filmed is Victoria house-hunting and her quest to find schools for the kids, which hardly makes scintillating viewing.

And another rumor that's been squashed has to do with Posh's alleged fee for appearing on the show. It was claimed that Posh received as much $20 million for her participation, but now it's being reported that the number was actually around $600 thousand.

$600 thousand? What an insult to Poshy! I can't believe she would whore her entire life and those of her husband and children out for such a small sum. My God, why would she do the show if that was all they were paying her? It's almost as if she really only cared about the attention. And now she's not going to get it anyway, and why? Because she's boring. And because Tom, Katie and J-Lo have the good sense to stay far away from reality TV. How low-rent does that make Poshy look? She should be thankful the network has come to its senses about this and is going to pull the plug. The show would've been a disaster for her. She would've just come off lame. I predict that, within two years, David will have quit soccer, and he and Posh will have slunk back to England to live out their days as Euro b-listers.
