Mischa Barton has a good reason for not getting a new man since dumping Cisco "Hangy-Balls" Adler - she doesn't have time for them. Says Mischa:
I think I’m too busy for men. I’m a single girl right now.
Poor Mischa - her schedule is so hectic that she can't even squeeze a little loving in. I don't know, seems to me she should consider dropping a few things, make some time for a relationship. Perhaps on Tuesdays she could take a break from walking down the street while someone takes her picture. And maybe, instead of smiling on a red carpet somewhere every Friday night, she could make it every other Friday night. Oh, and all the promotional appearances - she definitely needs to cut those back. I mean, is it necessary to be photographed holding up shoes for five minutes at a time every three or four months? Once a year would be enough, you'd think.