Lindsay Lohan takes a couple days off from her hectic life of drugging and partying in America to drug and party - and frolic in the waves - in the Bahamas. And wear a stupid Britney-like lid and pose like an idiot. All right Lindsay, we know you know there are photographers - or do you know? Are you striking poses because you're aware you're being photographed, or is that just the way you behave naturally? Let's propose a hypothetical Lindsay: Say you're on a desert island thousands of miles from the nearest camera. Do you then begin behaving like a normal human being, or do you spend your days acting like life is one big Nylon magazine photoshoot? The drugs Lindsay - the drugs have fried your brain entirely, haven't they? Or maybe the drugs are the only thing standing between you and complete insanity. If you didn't snort coke in bathrooms, you would be in a looney bin - is that it Linds? Hurry, call Dina - she can use that one the next time she's interviewed by Entertainment Tonight.

This is what all the naughty little boys wanna see, right? The stuff that makes their little pubescent peckers rise and shine. A cokehead with bad skin and a swiftly-failing liver.
By the way, an individual with nothing better to do might want to check these Lohan bikini pics for signs of an appendectomy scar. Thankfully, Crabbie has nothing better to do...

It could be a scar, or it could just be a crease. Funny how the light in this pic shines right across it though - almost like God is trying to show us something.
(By the way Linds - you might want to have a look at this.)