Friday, May 4, 2007
Update: Paris Hilton Will Go To Jail!
Judge Michael T. Sauer has given Paris Hilton 45 days in the slammer, her sentence to begin on June 5 at Century Region Detention Facility. Furthermore, the judge has told Paris she will not be allowed special favors like work release, furloughs or use of electronic monitoring in lieu of jail. A distraught Paris reportedly cried before the judge, saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," but the judge didn't go for her drama-queen bullshit - nor did he accept her pitiful explanation that rep Elliot Mintz had misled her into thinking her license was valid. Hilton's parents Rick and Kathy were said to be visibly upset as the sentence was handed down.
Meanwhile, well-known Paris ass-eater Perez Hilton hasn't posted on his blog since early this morning. Where was little Perezzers during all this? Sitting in a corner chewing his fingernails down? Stupid fucker. Doesn't he know that, had she thought it would help her, Paris would've sold him down the river the same way she did Mintz? Paris is a snake who will betray anyone at any time in order to avoid trouble. But the judge was having none of it - he gave her what she had coming to her.
Update: How pathetic was Paris's defense? Reportedly, judge Michael Sauer (now an American hero), slammed her rep Elliot Mintz in court, calling his testimony worthless. Sauer then pointed out the ludicrousness of Paris's claim that she didn't know her license was invalid - especially given that there were papers actually in Paris's car stating that the license had been suspended.
Can you imagine the arrogance of these people? Going to court with such a flimsy defense and expecting it to stand up? Why? Because she's Paris Hilton and her parents are rich? Mintz should be put in jail just for stoogery. And Kathy and Rick for being a couple of hubristic swine.
Kathy Hilton,
Paris Hilton