Paris Hilton stood before a judge today and told him that her rep Elliot Mintz was responsible for her violating her probation by driving with a suspended license.
According to Hilton, Mintz "misled" her into thinking her license was not actually suspended. Just how or why Mintz, a man who's eaten shit on Paris's behalf for years, would pull such a thing is beyond knowing. However, this is Paris's story. And according to TMZ, even as we speak the judge is in his chambers deliberating. Will he buy Paris's weak-ass sob-story, or will he throw her ass in jail for 45 days as prosecutors have asked?
And what of Mintz, Paris's long-time personal liar? Is it possible that Mintz himself concocted this scheme whereby Paris would blame her troubles on him? Is Mintz really so much of a self-hating little schmuck that he would take the rap for Hilton? Personally, if I were Mintz, I would come forth with every dirty secret there is left to reveal about Paris, just to stick it to the worthless little bitch. But, sadly, I believe Mintz is Paris's poodle, and even moreso, he is Paris's mom Kathy's poodle. So, he will stand there miserably taking the blame for Paris's foolishness, and Paris will probably walk with a warning. Fucking world.