Is Lindsay Lohan quirky and eccentric or downright unbalanced? We've seen stories in the past that suggest the latter - the "adequite" Robert Altman condolence letter, stalking Al Gore, keeping her appendix in a freezer. And now there are a couple more little items to add to the growing body of Lohan-is-batshit evidence.
First, from Page 6, an excerpt from an interview Lindsay gave to Allure magazine, in which she seems to suggest that she has mystical powers of protection:
When my friends and family are around me I feel like they're safe. ... When my friends have left me - I've just seen everything collapse. They're not safe without me.
Alas, Lohan's friends do not have the same power to protect her. You know, she keeps having these little accidents - almost as if God is trying to tell her something.
Item number 2 comes to us via WENN. In it, legendary singer Stevie Nicks expresses her befuddlement, and outright irritation, at stories Lindsay has been spreading about her interest in playing the Fleetwood Mac songstress in a film. Ms. Nicks told Blender magazine:
Lindsay Lohan thinks she is going to play me but what the hell movie does she think she's talking about? ... There is no book, there is no screenplay, there is no movie. There is never going to be a movie made without me, because it's never going to be the story of me. ... Even though a lot has been written about me, the fact is nobody actually has a clue to what my life was really like. So good luck, Lindsay.
Oh, Stevie - you really don't understand Lindsay at all, do you? It doesn't matter if there's a script or a book or anything else tangible - if Lindsay thinks there's a movie being made about you, then there's a movie being made about you. If Lindsay thinks she has magical friend-protecting abilities, then she does. You see, Lindsay is the child of a pair of deeply neurotic individuals, and has spent her life surrounded by even more neurotics and pathological types, also known as Hollywood people. In other words she's nuts. Profoundly nuts. Maybe even psychotic. You know that old saying, "Neurotics build castles in the sky and psychotics live in them?" Well, Lindsay both builds them and lives in them, and she's got a window on the second floor that she bellows shit out of, and if anybody comes on her lawn she chases them off with a firehose.*
* = apologies to Rita Rudner for sort of stealing her joke.