"Um, yes, I'll have the bacon-double-cheeseburger combo meal with Sierra Mist please. Actually make that two. And could you super-size those for me please? And oh, I'd like curly-fries with that. And do you guys serve those little french toast strips for lunch? You don't? Okay, then I'll have a 12-piece chicken strip meal also. And oh, do you want anything hon?"

"How can you say the Johnson administration was justified in fabricating the Gulf of Tonkin incident as a pretext to escalate the war? I don't give a damn about the Domino theory. That was dreamed up by a bunch of professors who were high on weed. The fact is that Johnson and McNamara were war-criminals and should've been prosecuted as such. And McNamara basically admitted that when he cut his speech so short at his Medal of Freedom ceremony. But that bastard Johnson was too busy skinny-dipping to care about all the babies he was killing anyway. Oh, and what about Agent Orange? I mean, hello..."

"These fuckers cost me thousands. Get a good picture boys. Yup. Nothing sticks to these sonabitches."