Saturday, November 4, 2006

Kevin Federline is Writing His Life's Story. Yes, You Read That Right.

Apparently it's not enough being the man who impregnated Britney Spears - no, Kevin Federline also wants to tackle the world of literature. If you consider the "candid memoirs" of Kevin Federline to be literature.

And what exactly would prompt this buffoon to suddenly decide he wanted to pen his life's story? He wants people to "better understand" who he is. His words.

Of course, Federline is realistic about his own writing abilities. "I haven't done it yet," he says about his sure-to-be fascinating tome. "You know, I'll get a ghostwriter in there."

I can just see it now. A dark, smoky study at Spears' manor. K-Fed pacing the room while he describes to his ghostwriter the pivotal moment of his life - when that steel beam fell from the construction site onto his head, knocking what tiny trace of sense he had right out of him, so that he would later grow up to become a big enough fool to think anyone would actually care about his idiot biography.

And of course there was the day he met Britney Spears, and realized that if he could only get the dizzy bitch to marry him, he wouldn't have to do another second of work the rest of his miserable life.

Would somebody please euthanize this twit?