Mary-Kate Olsen always looks skinny as a rail. But, as we know, celebrities don't suffer from eating disorders. Nicole Richie doesn't have one, and neither does Keira Knightley. In fact, when you suggest to these people that they have eating disorders, they get indignant, and sometimes they even sue you. Ooh, Crabbie doesn't want to get sued. So he believes everything. Yup. Nichole Richie, she's just small-boned. And Keira Knightley? Bad lighting. And what about Mary-Kate Olsen, who looks like she hasn't eaten anything in three years? It isn't her, it's the hair. At least that's what her publicist says.
It's the miracle of our age! Mary-Kate Olsen's magic weight-reducing hair! Forget about selling crappy cosmetics and perfume. Mary-Kate's sitting on a real gold-mine (or, actually, the gold-mine is sitting on her).
Say, I wonder what Mary-Kate's magic locks would do for some of our favorite weight-challenged stars. Like Rosie O'Donnell:

Wow, she looks ten pounds lighter already.
And what about another famous fat fucker, John Travolta?

Travolta hasn't looked so good since Saturday Night Fever. Shake that tail, John.
So, we know Mary-Kate's hair does a great job slimming fat stars, but what does it do about adding bulk to skinny ones? Like Nicole Richie?

Um, Nicole. It goes on the top of your head. Oh well. You still look better than usual.
Of course, being fat isn't the only problem some celebs have. A few of them have multiple issues. Like being fat and stupid. I wonder what Mary-Kate's hair does for them...

I guess even Mary-Kate's hair has its limits.