Now we know where Lindsay gets it from. That propensity to say things that defy all logic and reason. It's all from her mom, Dina Lohan. Ever since Lindsay announced she was going into rehab, Dina's been flapping her gums, telling everyone how strong Lindsay is and how she's got it together. It sounds an awful lot like Dina's saying it to convince herself more than anything, but what do I know? Anyway, here's some more of what Dina had to say about her daughter's admission to treatment:
This is a wonderful, giant step she's taking and it's all good. Hollywood's a really, really busy scary place and everything is under control.
Going to rehab is a wonderful step. Sure it is. And Hollywood is a really busy, scary place. Interesting that Dina would say that, given that she forced her daughter into it when she wasn't yet even an adolescent. Most adults try to keep their children out of places that are really scary, but Dina's just the opposite. I'm sure that, when Lindsay was two or three, she was also encouraged to play with the bottles under the sink, and see if she could stick things into electrical outlets.
More from Dina:
Everything's great and she's just getting a grip on her life. When I was 20 I don't know that I would be that strong to do that, so it's all good.
Another "everything's great," followed by another "it's all good." Wow, Dina's got a pretty expansive vocabulary there. Maybe next she'll tell us Lindsay is doing "awesome," and that she thinks her daughter is a really "bitchin' person."
But you were saying Dina:
[After Lindsay finishes her first two weeks of rehab] she'll pick up the film again and start working and have someone with her and all is good. As a parent I couldn't be more pleased and proud.
Oh Jesus. All is good. My God, this woman is absurd. She's raised a child who is a socially irresponsible lush and she has the nerve to say she's pleased and proud. Someone please buy this bitch a beginner's parenting manual. And get Ali out of there before...oh, what's the use? It's too late.
Sorry Ali, sweetie. I tried.