Monday, January 29, 2007

Lohan Does Dior

Lindsay Lohan takes yet another break from rehab to shop, this time at Christian Dior in Beverly Hills. So they let her out to work on her movie, and to shop, and to make trips home. Essentially, the rehab center is a place where she sleeps. And they send someone around with her to make sure she doesn't sneak any sips. And how much are they paying for this? $1700-a-day or thereabouts? Christ, I would've flown out to Cali to watch Lindsay for half of that. We could've had sleepovers, and then in the day I would've followed her around, and tasted her beverages to make sure she wasn't spiking them. It would've been a blast going shopping with Lindsay, as long as she was paying of course. Actually, I think I may start my own service. Crabbie's Rehab. Lots of personal attention. Of course, I suppose if I'm around people who are trying to dry out, that means I can't drink. Or maybe it means I should drink more. Yeah, to show them what happens. An object lesson. You don't want to end up like this pathetic, fat, old queen do you? He can't even roll himself over. I think I may be on to something here.