What kind of guy is actor James Franco? I have no idea; I have never met the man. I am beginning to formulate some basic impression of him however. Just by his recent actions, I can tell a few things about Franco. One thing I know is that he's not a guy who'll stick his wiener just any old place. He's got standards when it comes to wiener-sticking. And one place he definitely won't put it is Lindsay Lohan's vagina, as Lindsay found out the other night at the now-infamous Golden Globes party, where Franco rebuffed her advances, sending her into a drunken free-fall that ended in rehab. And another thing I now know about James Franco - he is one sadistic bastard. Obviously, it is not enough for Franco just to stick the knife in somebody - he's got to twist it too. And that's what he's done to poor Lindsay. First he breaks her heart, then he rubs it in by sending her a get-well letter while she's in treatment recovering from him. Does this man have no soul? I mean, okay, on the surface it may seem like a friendly gesture. Hey, I'm sorry about what happened Lindsay, and I'm thinking about you, and I hope you get well. But no, I don't buy it. I don't think Franco sent Lindsay the letter because he's a nice guy. I think he sent it to her because he knows she's suffering over him, and he wants her to continue suffering. He doesn't want that wound to scab over. He wants it torn back open as often as possible. He wants to see poor Lindsay bleed her heart out all over the floor. And poor Lindsay can't even drown her sorrows anymore.