Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Paris Sues ParisExposed

Paris Hilton and her lawyers have officially launched their effort to shut down the website ParisExposed.com. Their suit, filed in federal court, alleges among other things that the infamous personal items removed from the infamous storage locker were placed in said locker after a burglary, and that it was the responsibility of the moving company to pay the fee that was infamously not paid. The suit also contends that the personal information included with the belongings could be used by "unscrupulous individuals ... to steal Hilton's identity, or worse, to stalk and even physically harm Hilton." Accompanying the lawsuit was a statement by Paris herself, which read in part, "I was appalled to learn that people are exploiting my and my sisters' (sic) private personal belongings for commercial gain."

So there you go - Paris is appalled. Because people are exploiting her belongings for commercial gain. And not cutting her in on it.

So cynical, Crabbie. Why can't you just believe that Paris is capable of feeling humiliated? And that she really is worried someone will use the information gleaned from those items to exploit or even harm her? Paris is only human, right?

Um, I'll get back to you on that one.

To be serious for a moment though - it really is terrible for Paris to be put in this position. I mean, obviously, Paris never meant for any of those videos to be viewed by the public. Those were for her own personal use. I'm not sure what she was planning on using them for exactly, but that's beside the point. It was up to her to decide whether anyone saw those videos. And because of that incompetent moving company, her private property has landed in the hands of those who care nothing for personal dignity. They are shameless, money-grubbing, attention-hungry people - unlike Paris, who cares only about keeping her good name from being dragged through the mud.

Oh, the delicious, delicious irony of Paris Hilton suing someone for making her look like a coke-sniffing brainless skank. You are priceless, Paris. Truly, truly priceless.