Katie Holmes hitched her wagon to a star when she married Tom Cruise - a star that had already reached the peak of its arc and was headed for the puke-inducing free-fall. But Katie didn't realize that at the time, because she was so blinded by love (or whatever Tom had slipped her). As far as she was concerned, she was moving on to bigger and better things with Tom's help. Now the sad reality must be sinking in - Tom's not the connected Hollywood big-shot he used to be but a man who's well on his way to being a pariah. Not that any of that's Katie's fault. She's still what she always was - a fairly attractive, mildly talented, somewhat bland starlet perfect for playing the girlfriends of superheroes. But, when you're casting that sort of thing, baggage is the last thing you need, and Katie, she's got lots of baggage, and it's all named Tom.
"Studios may be gun-shy of her new status as a tabloid fixture," a Hollywood insider tells the Wall Street Journal. "And her expectations may be raised as the new Mrs. Cruise. Stars of much bigger stature, including Meg Ryan and Demi Moore, have found it tough to regain their momentum after taking time off."
Poor Katie, being compared to Meg Ryan and Demi Moore. She might as well just quit now. Maybe call up her buddy Poshy and ask for a job sewing dresses.