Reports out of L.A. say Britney was having a high old time at club 40 Deuce on Sunday night, drinking and jumping onstage and unzipping her top to give everyone a load of her ever-expanding bazooms. Brit got so carried away that the club's manager finally had to drag her off, but after another round of champagne-and-Coke cocktails (that's Coca-Cola, by the way), it was right back onstage for the energetic Ms. Spears.
It seems Britney has really decided to run with this new, wild persona of hers. But it won't be long now before the publicity well dries up, and the public gets bored with her crazy, drunken antics. Then there will only be one thing for Brit to do - make a tearful appearance on Oprah and announce she's going into rehab. After putting in her time, she can emerge triumphant, a new woman. And go on Oprah and tearfully reveal the pain she suffered during all her weeks of partying and hanging out with Paris Hilton. And blame it all on the media.
I am so ready for Jamie Lynn to turn 21.