Human twig-monster Nicole Richie says she is ready to "accept whatever responsibility is appropriate" after her little getting bombed and driving the wrong way down the freeway episode.
That's really big of you Nicole.
Actually, it's not. Because you don't have any choice. They caught you. Stupid whore.
Said Nicole's attorney Howard Weitzman: "[Nicole] intends to continue with her career and will deal with any other issues that need to be addressed."
Issues that need to be addressed. That's quite a list at this point, isn't it? Let's see...
- The whole getting arrested thing.
- The whole not eating enough thing.
- The whole not having a lick of talent thing.
- The whole drug thing.
- The whole booze thing.
- The whole hating Paris but needing her for career purposes thing.
- The whole funny smell coming from her crotch which may be some kind of freaky alien mold that's begun growing there thing.
No official charges have yet been filed stemming from Nicole's automotive misadventure. An arraignment has been scheduled for February 7.