Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Nicole Kidman Together With Keith Urban In Sydney. Keith's Got Some 'Splainin' To Do, I Theenk.

It was beginning to look like Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban's marriage was already on the rocks, what with Keith being in rehab trying to work out his drinky-drinky issues, and that skanky model coming out of nowhere to say she and Keith had gotten it on during Urban and Kidman's engagement. But, maybe, love does conquer all - or maybe the couple's long-awaited reunion in Sydney is merely the prelude to the big-time meltdown we've all been hoping for.

See, now that wasn't right. "Hoping for." What the hell's the matter with me? Rooting for a couple of people I don't even know to break up just so I'll have material for my stupid blog. I should be shot.

Seriously Nicole. Did you see the skank your husband was fucking? That's how little he thinks of you. That he would cheat on you with a broad who's barely attractive enough to be a Hooters waitress. And honestly Nicole - you don't really think he's done drinking, do you? He's a country singer. Those people drink. A lot. And write songs about it. And songs about pick-up trucks and old dogs named Luke. Do you want to end up being in one of those songs, Nicole? A song about the red-head who broke old Keith's heart, so he had to take up the bottle again, and fuck ugly chicks, and put his dog Luke in his pick-up truck and drive down to the fishing hole to do epic battle with Reggie the five-thousand-pound catfish that his daddy and his daddy's daddy both died trying to hook? Is that any kind of legacy for a woman of your caliber? I don't think so.

Anyway, here's hoping the couple can work their troubles out. Hate to see them break up.