"Comedienne" Kathy Griffin has taken it upon herself to attack actress Patricia Heaton, a conservative who has curried disfavor in liberal Hollywood by being so outspoken in her opposition to stem-cell research and gay rights (she wants Michael J. Fox to die and doesn't want fags to be able to throw their lives away on silly officially-sanctioned relationships).
"The whole gay issue, I gotta tell you - when I hear Patricia talking her bullshit and saying it's not in the Bible that gay people should be together - those are the pieces of information that I can't forget about," said Kathy in her nightclub act.
And who asked Kathy Griffin to take up these causes? No one. Like Rosie O'Donnell, Griffin needs no prompting to begin flapping her ugly yap.
Oh Jesus. I just had a flash of Kathy Griffin and Rosie O'Donnell making out. Somebody get me a bottle of Brain-Drain-O.
Now, to be serious for a second: Yes, Patricia Heaton is full of shit. Yes, we homos should be able to marry each other just like straight people marry each other, if that's really want we want to do (and don't ask me why the fuck anyone would want to; that's not the point). Yes, I wouldn't mind seeing Michael J. Fox punch Heaton in the face (though I don't think his aim is so hot these days; more than likely he would wind up punching himself in the ear). However, if it ever gets to the point where any of us in the gay or pro-stem-cell community need someone as stupid and self-serving as Kathy Griffin making our points for us - well, that's the day we should all throw in the towel.
And yes, I'm as surprised as you are every time I'm reminded that Kathy Griffin is in fact not a lesbian.