Saturday, December 16, 2006

Paris Hilton Getting Married (?)

Ladies and gentlemen, the news you've all been waiting for:

Paris Hilton is getting married.

Yes, that's right, Paris Hilton. The one-and-only. Is getting married.

I think. But I don't know. Because, you see, Paris has been known to bullshit us before. And that's exactly what might have been happening when she made this monumental announcement at the Smashbox Cosmetics Holiday in West Hollywood.

Maybe "announcement" isn't the right word. It was more like a random bit of blabbering.

“It’s true, I am going to get married," is what Paris is supposed to have said. “I want a fairytale wedding and Britney’s going to be my matron of honour. She can advise me.”

You want a fairytale wedding, and you want Britney to advise you. Honey, if Britney advises you, it ain't gonna be no fairytale - unless renting out a VFW hall and cooking up some ribs is what you actually have in mind.

Uh, by the way, which of Paris's numerous fuck partners suitors is the supposed lucky guy? It's Stavros Niarchos, whose parents, by the way, still reportedly hate Paris's guts.

And by way of "confirmation" we have this little tidbit from one of Paris's friends:

“There’s no date set but she’s adamant she’d want a wedding in Los Angeles and also a big celebration over in Greece."

Seems to be all the rage with the celebs these days. A little "official" wedding in a courthouse and then a big stupid expensive decadent celebration in some European country.

Well, maybe it's true and maybe it's just Paris being the teasing little publicity-whore she is. I'm sure Perez Hilton will be able to fill us in on what's really going on, seeing as how he's so tight with Paris and all (he ought to be tight with her - she pays him enough).