Angelina Jolie has decided to go into detail about her relationship with Brad Pitt, and specifically how it all got started. Why she's made this decision is beyond me...oh wait, she's got a movie coming out. The Good Shepherd. So now's the perfect time for her to spill lots of intimate details about her personal life to Vogue magazine (as if that had anything to do with our desire to see or not see her stupid film). All right Angelina. If you insist...
Angelina on how she and Brad got together:
Brad was a huge surprise to me ... I, like most people, had a very distant impression of him from . . . the media.
I think we were the last two people who were looking for a relationship. I certainly wasn't ... I was quite content to be a single mom.
Because of the film, we ended up being brought together to do all these crazy things, and I think we found this strange friendship and partnership that kind of just suddenly happened. I think a few months in I realized, 'God, I can't wait to get to work.'
Whether it was shooting a scene or arguing about a scene or gun practice or dance class or doing stunts - anything we had to do with each other, we just found a lot of joy in it together and a lot of real teamwork. We just became kind of a pair.
Of course Brad was still married to Jennifer Aniston at the time. But Angelina insists she had no intention of breaking the two of them up. It was only after the Pitt/Aniston relationship was terminated that Jolie and Pitt drew closer. And only then did they realize how much they have in common:
We spent a lot of time contemplating and thinking and talking about what we both wanted in life and realized that we wanted very, very similar things. And then we just continued to take time. We remained very, very good friends - with this realization - for a long time.
And then life developed in a way where we could be together, where it felt like something we would do, we should do.
"Life developed in a way where we could be together." Translation: Brad finally dumped that fugly bitch Jennifer. Of course Angelina is gracious about her victory, and says she would like to sit down with Jennifer one day:
I did [once meet Aniston], but it was not a proper meeting. We've, like, passed each other and said 'hi' briefly, shook hands. But not a real sit-down-and-talk kind of meeting.
That would be her decision [for a long sit-down], and I would welcome it.
Yes, I'm sure Jennifer would some day like to sit across from Angelina. And whip out a knife and stick it right through Angelina's throat.
Of course there are all those marriage rumors also floating around. As to those...
We both have been married before, so it's not marriage that's necessarily kept some people together.
We are legally bound to our children, not to each other, and I think that's the most important thing.
Ooh, little bit frosty on the marriage subject. I guess that whole Billy Bob Thornton episode still smarts.
By the way, here's Jolie on the subject of trust:
I don't trust anyone.I don't think it's a good thing. This is going to make you think that maybe I should get some therapy, but trust is such a bizarre word. I'd like to say that I trust my mother, but I also don't know if she might do something that she thinks is in my best interest.
She might do something that she thinks is in your best interest? Like have you committed?
I liked her better before she started flapping her gums.