Thursday, December 21, 2006

It's Getting Ugly Between Rosie and Duh Donald

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Rosie O'Donnell's got another bur under her saddle, and its name is Donald Trump.

Honestly, is there any controversy this cow won't interject herself into? Any day now I expect to see her over in Lebanon waving signs and shouting that the Israelis are war-mongers.

Of course this all started with the revelation that the reigning Miss USA, Tara Conner (I promise, no hetero edition jokes, all right? Jeez you people get stirred up easy), was behaving in a way that didn't jibe with the whole Miss USA wholesome all-American girl image (in other words she was drinking and making out with chicks - you know, enjoying herself). Speculation ran rampant that Donald Trump, who owns the Miss USA brand and apparently the souls of anyone who wins the crown, would fire Tara, which led to a whole tearful news-conference where the Donald made like God and pardoned the poor unfortunate party-girl, and announced that she would be going to rehab. A bit self-righteous and hypocritical of the Donald? Definitely, said Rosie on The View:

"Left the first wife, had an affair, left the second wife, had an affair. Had kids both times, but he's the moral compass for 20-year-olds in America. Donald, sit and spin, my friend."

Sit and spin. Damn, I haven't heard that one since fifth grade.

Of course The Donald is no one to simply sit back and let some bloated lesbian loud-mouth take shots at him:

"Rosie attacks me personally?" said an indignant Trump. "I know her fairly well because her show failed. She didn't retire. She didn't get the ratings! Her magazine called `Rosie' was a total disaster. ... She's out of her mind. I will probably sue Rosie for a number of reasons. I'm worth a lot of money. She doesn't tell the facts." Then Donald took it a step further by bringing up O'Donnell's wife Kelli, saying, "I imagine it would be pretty easy to take her girlfriend away, considering how Rosie looks."

That's vicious.

And of course Rosie had her comeback. On her blog she posted a detailed Wikipedia accounting of Donald's financial troubles (apparently meaning to refute his remark about being worth a lot of money), then left us with one of her trademark snatches of poetry:

loving the wiki
i use it
do u

i will let u know if the donald sues me
or if kelli leaves me for one of his pals
dont u find him charming

This is so much better than Britney showing snatch.

But wait, it ain't over. Today, Trump called into a radio show to attack Rosie even further, claiming View co-star Barbara Walters hates her guts (gee, you think?), calling Rosie "stupid," and saying of her appearance, "If you can look as ugly as she looks ... I give her credit for having succeeded moderately."

Donald, why don't you tell us what you really think bro?

And I thought it was going to be a boring holiday.

Update: Rosie responds on this morning's View:

Kinda weak if you ask me.