How low has Britney Spears sunk in the public's esteem? So low that now even the dregs who frequent professional sporting events are turning against her.
At last night's Laker game, Britney came face-to-face with the reality of public scorn. The cooch-flashing pop-star was seated in the crowd with her sister Jamie Lynn (who's about ten minutes from giving us all a look at her own snatcheroo by the way), when her face was shown on the giant scoreboard - to a hearty round of boos. Then, just in case Britney didn't get the hint, an image of a Kevin Federline look-alike graced the scoreboard and was cheered. An embarrassed Britney is reported to have fled the venue shortly thereafter.
So what did we learn from this kiddies? Well, we learned that Kevin Federline is now slightly less detested than Britney Spears. This is certainly cooch-flash-related backlash. Or, should I say, cooch-flash-hype-related backlash. Cause the actual flash is not what people object to, it's the big deal being made about it. Britney has become over-exposed (in more ways than one). Everyone's sick of her now. And Federline, since Britney has been acting like an out-of-control tramp who seems uninterested in attending to her two children, is beginning to look less unappealing by contrast. Federline may even be considered a victim by some people. A guy who was thrown aside by some tramp who wanted to party and carry on and make a spectacle of herself.
Congratulations Britney. You've managed the impossible. You've made Kevin Federline an object of sympathy.
And you're fat now.