Thursday, December 21, 2006

Biggest Losers of 2006: #6 Skinny Freak Bitches

I don't know a lot, but I do know this - skinny ain't in. At least that's the sense I get as I browse my way through the celeblogosphere on a daily basis. The majority of bloggers and their commenters, it seems to me, are repulsed by size-zero celebrities like Nicole Richie and Lara Flynn Boyle, and many of them feel sorry for these poor, clueless, appearance-obsessed wretches. If I live to be a hundred, I'll never understand what could be going on in someone's head to make them think that looking like a Calcutta street-beggar is the way to go if you want to be considered sexy. And oh, I know - anorexia. I don't understand it. It's a disorder. These people can't help it. Sure. And Mel Gibson can't help being an anti-Semitic wacko because of his alcoholism. And Rosie O'Donnell can't help being a wildebeest because of her fat genes. Funny, how we choose which things to hold people personally responsible for, and which to explain away with a lot of psychobabble and vague neurological nonsense. Bottom line: if the Richies, Bosworths, Boyles and Knightleys of the world want people to stop puking in horror at their emaciated freakishness, there's a simple solution for them - Double-Whoppers with extra onions.