Friday, January 5, 2007

Britney's Manager Does Some Big-League Spinning

What would celebs do without their spin-doctors? They'd all be up the creek without a paddle, I can tell you. Like poor Britney Spears, whose career is about halfway to Tara Reid territory and picking up speed on the downslope. Without someone to lie for her, well, Britney would be just about screwed. Actually, even with someone to lie for her she's just about screwed - but even a lost cause like Britney is still worth squeezing a last few bucks out of, so that means Brit's manager, old Larry Rudolph, is going to keep the bullshit coming (the same way that band kept playing on the Titanic).

"[Britney] understands what's going on right now," says the venerable Mr. Rudolph, "and she calls it her 'rocky moment.' Britney knows exactly what she needs to do."

Yes, things are rocky for Brit. Actually, did she mean "rocky" or "Rocky," as in the movie Rocky? A "Rocky moment" being that point in one's life when one has hit the mat and now has to peel oneself off said mat and rise again to make it to the sequel? I don't know. Anyway, back to Mr. Rudolph:

"I'm not defending [her behavior], and she's not defending it. [With regards to the New Year's collapsing incident] we were sitting there drinking orange juice. She got tired in a club, and we took her back to her room."

That must've been some strong orange juice. Even stronger than Lindsay's "Red Bull." Mr. Rudolph:

"Suddenly, I'm hearing words like "collapsed" and "passed out." From what they've been seeing and hearing, I understand the disappointment [from fans]. ... But Britney is increasingly motivated to get out there. She sees this as a challenge, that some fans may be questioning her. She is respectful. She sees this as her challenge to win them back."

There's a reason you keep hearing words like "collapsed" and "passed-out" Larry - cause that's what happened. She fell down and someone had to pick her up and haul her ass away. She wasn't just joking around when she went down like a ton of bricks. Her body had had enough of whatever she was doing to it, and said, "I'm gonna take a little nap," before Britney was ready. But you were saying Larry?

"She's taking all the right steps. Britney Spears will be back and absolutely at the top of the entertainment industry very soon."

Please, Larry. The only way Britney makes it back to the top of the entertainment industry is if the rest of the entertainment industry just happens to be in the same jumbo-jet together when it crashes. And even then we could probably do a quick casing of all the karaoke nights in America and find many people more talented than Britney. So please, Larry, can it. Your girl is toast.