Monday, January 1, 2007
Britney Only Fell Asleep, Say Handlers
Stories of Britney Spears collapsing, perhaps after consuming large amounts of something intoxicating, after a New Year's show this morning have prompted her handlers to go into spin-control overdrive. From her manager Larry Rudolph:
"By about one o'clock, she was just done, so we took her out. She was not drunk. She was just tired and falling asleep."
Really Larry. She was falling asleep so you took her out. She was so tired she couldn't take herself out. Well, why was she that tired? I mean, even if we buy your claim that she wasn't drinking, how to you explain a woman her age, who doesn't suffer from any known diseases or disabilities, being so exhausted she wasn't even capable of dragging her own carcass off to the sack? Could it be because she's been partying too hard lately?
See, here's the thing Lar - even if she wasn't drinking, she must've been doing something to be that wiped (and don't tell me she was just working hard - I did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday). So it's sort of irrelevant whether she had anything to drink in the hours before the collapse. Point is, your girl has been making quite a spectacle of herself these last few weeks. The fact that you have to make a point of denying she was intoxicated - "She was not drunk"; your words Larry - only demonstrates how far she's come in damaging her image. So maybe she was drunk and maybe she wasn't - point is, she couldn't walk herself up to her own room and had to be dragged. So girl ain't right one way or the other. And the fact that anyone even suspected it was booze (or worse) just shows how much work you've got to do.
Britney Spears