Saturday, January 13, 2007
Britney's Puppy-Ploy Blows Up In Her Fat Stupid Face
Britney Spears wants us to think she's a loving mother, and a responsible pet-owner. Unfortunately she isn't either. According to some outfit called Chihuahua Rescue and Transport, the type of dog she was recently photographed purchasing, the teacup apple-head Chihuahua, is not a good dog to have around children. I don't know why exactly - maybe it's one of these dogs that gnaws the kids' fingers off while they sleep. Anyway, Britney's purchase of one is being slammed by numerous people. Because she paid $3000 for it when she could've adopted one for free. Unless, of course, she knew that the dog wasn't considered a kid-friendly breed, and that therefore, she wouldn't be allowed to adopt one of the homeless ones (cause animal adoption agencies are careful about not letting people with kids have certain types of dogs).
So, even when Britney is doing something seemingly innocent and harmless, she gets exposed as a complete irresponsible nitwit. Which is doubly-satisfying in this case, since the whole puppy-buying thing was obviously just a staged photo-op. Dumb bitch can't even lie well.
In other Britney news, X17 has pictures it alleges are of Britney's new man Isaac Cohen cleaning her chunky orange puke off his lap. Nothing like a little barf-shower to let a man know you love him.
Britney Spears