This is a picture of Courtney Love. Now remember kids, this is how Courtney
chooses to look. She has paid people money to do things to her face to make it like this. Now, you tell me which is worse - being ugly naturally, or spending thousands of dollars to go from being faintly attractive to completely terrifyingly hideous. At least the person who's born ugly (like, well, Crabbie) has an excuse - that God hates them. But what's Courtney's explanation? She saw a picture of a bloated corpse and thought, "Yup, that's it. That's the look for me?" I mean, Jesus Courtney, can you even see out of those eyes? And those lips - are you a human being or a catfish? I could sculpt a better face than that out of Play-Doh while hopped up on something that makes my hands shake and blurs my vision.