Minute-by-minute coverage of the Beckhams' invasion of America continues (Why? Cause ain't shit else going on right now.).
Breaking News: David Beckham calls Tom Cruise a wise man.
Soccer star and soon-to-be American David Beckham has hit up his pal Tom Cruise for advice on dealing with the paparazzi in the US.
"He's a very wise man and a good friend of mine," says Beckham of the midget space alien, "and to have his experience and have him explain some things to me to be prepared for, that's going to be a big help."
That makes me laugh - the idea that there's anything Tom Cruise could tell David Beckham about anything (except maybe the best way to get to Neptune). By the way, Dave, if I were you I wouldn't go spreading around the fact that I'm so tight with Tom. At best it makes people think you're a weirdo, at worst - well, let's just say some people are skeptical about Tom being a heterosexual. You don't want people thinking you're a homo, do you Dave? Unless you are one. In which case...