Sunday, January 7, 2007

Russell Crowe Is A Five-Alarm Asswad

It's not like we need any more evidence to know that Russell Crowe is a world-class jerk - that's long-since been established - but since Russell keeps piling up the proof against himself, I guess we're obligated to go on cataloguing it (miserable as that task may be).

The latest example of Russell being Russell comes to us via a flight attendant working on a private, "smoking-designated" plane Crowe used while doing press for his recent mega-flop A Good Year (note to Russell: avoid movies named after brands of tires). The flight attendant, an unnamed woman, says that even before Crowe boarded the plane she was warned about his potential for unreasonable behavior. Referring to Crowe's exacting standards concerning menu, a member of the actor's entourage told her, "If one item is missing ... you're going to have a very long and difficult flight."

And apparently this person wasn't lying. Crowe, upon boarding the flight, went to the galley to personally choose his dinner, settling on the chicken satay. Crowe then reportedly sat down for a little snooze, during which time his wife, Dani (who somehow manages to still endure the fucker) consumed all the chicken satay herself. When Crowe woke up he demanded his dinner, but was told by the flight attendant that Dani had eaten it. The actor, rather than choose a different meal like a sane, normal, adult human being would, or at the very least take the subject up with his wife who was actually responsible for eating his god damn chicken satay, decided to go ballistic on the poor flight attendant, saying, "If I tell you I want something, you put it aside for me. Or wake me up. Is there some kind of language barrier here?"

Ooh, Russell's a sarcastic little bastard, isn't he? Sounds like somebody needs a slap in his fat, over-indulged mouth.

Honestly, I don't understand why this guy has any fans. He's a rotten actor to begin with, and his whole attitude toward people is just reprehensible. I mean, this guy's so low-rent and jerky, even Naomi Campbell hates his guts.

Of course, I wasn't the victim of this whole thing, the poor flight attendant was. So, I'll let her have the last word on Russell:

"I've flown actors, singers, boxers, princes," said the beleaguered stewardess. "His wife is very polite. She says thank you. He treated us like peons."