Monday, January 8, 2007

Is Katie Holmes Starting To Regret Marrying Tom Cruise?

When the world learned that Katie Holmes was set to marry Tom Cruise, the general reaction was, "What the hell is this broad thinking? Tom Cruise? Doesn't she know he's insane?" Well apparently Katie didn't know - but there's some evidence to suggest that maybe she's finally finding out, and isn't particularly thrilled with the realization.

The problem, say sources, is Tom's controlling nature. Speaking to In Touch magazine, these sources tell of Tom's unreasonable demands on Katie, like the limit he's placed on the amount of time she's allowed to talk on the phone with her friends, and his demand that she give up her favorite pastimes, like singing karaoke, in favor of doing things he likes, such as shopping (homo) and attending his kids' soccer games. And one of the biggest examples of Tom's nutty, smothering behavior came during the couple's L.A. wedding reception. Katie was reportedly chatting with Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst when someone suggested the three of them head to the famed nightspot Hyde for a spot of fun. Tom, who was hovering nearby, heard this, and immediately broke in to say that Katie wasn't allowed to go to such a place. A source said Katie looked "really embarrassed ... like she'd just gotten into trouble."

Of course no one is surprised by this. We sort of had an inkling that Tom might be that old-fashioned tyrannical type of husband when we found out about the vows he and Katie would be reciting at their wedding, the crap about the comb and the cat and the frills. The more we learn about Scientology, the more obvious it becomes that the whole thing is just a huge excuse to oppress women. So, society got a little bit too broad-minded when it came to women, letting them vote and things like that - hey, I've got a solution, let's form a new religion based on the precept that men can do whatever the hell they please, and women just have to stand there smiling and take it? If Scientology did ever take over society (perish the thought), I wonder how long it would be before women were made to wear burqas, or before girls were being circumcised like in Africa? Too bad for people like Katie that they have to actually marry one of these daffy fuckers before they find out they're being jobbed.