Sacha Baron Cohen is a funny man. He's also a tall man. And a British man. And when we look at him, we kind of get the sneaking suspicion that he's a man who likes it a little on the freaky side. How freaky, we can't say. Midget-porn freaky? Perhaps. Ten women wearing flowing robes and Bozo the Clown masks freaky? Maybe. Allowing Andy Dick to hop in the sack with him and his hot-blooded fiance Isla Fisher freaky? I would've said that was going a bit far. Until I read this story (under the heading "Threes Company").
All right, so there's no actual proof offered here. There's no tape of Andy Dick lubing up and giving it to Sacha in the ass while Sacha sticks his English sausage in saucy Isla. Thank God there's no tape of it. But there is rumor and speculation. Witnesses at the Chateau Marmont in L.A. say they saw Cohen, Fisher and Dick heading upstairs together after attending a pre-Golden Globes party. One person even says they were about to get in the elevator with them, but was "afraid to," and waited for the next car. Afraid to get in the elevator with them? Why? Was Andy already trying to get his tongue up Cohen's rectum? Can't that randy little son of a bitch even wait until they're in the room? And what about Isla? Is she really into this stuff, or is she just doing it for Sacha? And as for Sacha - that scene in Borat with Ken Davitian wasn't acting, was it? That was just a regular night for Sacha. Rolling around with a naked fat man. Hey, that sounds like a normal night for Crabbie. Except Crabbie would be the fat man. I wonder if Sacha would like to roll around...nah, never happen. He's too big now. Besides, I have a personal rule: If Andy Dick's been there, I ain't going.