So what, does Beyonce have some talent for astral projection? No. Actually, she's another in a long line of performers who insist that they actually become someone else when on-stage. And Beyonce even has a name for this alternate identity. Sasha.
"I become someone else when I'm on-stage," says the Sybil-like Dreamgirls star. "I call that stage persona 'Sasha.' "
Beyonce then goes on to explain that Sasha is nothing like Beyonce. "I wouldn't like Sasha if I met her off-stage. [She's] too aggressive, too strong, too sassy, too sexy! I'm not like her in real life at all. I'm not flirtatious and super-confident and fearless like her. What I feel on-stage I don't feel anywhere else. It's an out-of-body experience. I created my stage persona . . . so that when I go home, I don't have to think about what it is I do. Sasha isn't me. The people around me know who I really am."
It all sounds weird, but actually, Crabbie can relate to this. Cause he used to have an alternate persona as well. His name was Chad, and he was a beer-swilling heterosexual. Sometimes, when Crabbie was hating life, he would don his John Deere cap with the mesh panels and his soiled Hooters t-shirt and go to bars to pick up women. Chad was super-aggressive just like Sasha. In fact he was too aggressive. Which is why he ended up in the slammer in Cincinnati. Don't ask me how he got to Cincinnati, by the way. There was a hooker and a stolen taxi involved, but that's all I know.