Friday, December 8, 2006

Tina Simpson is a Woman of Good Sense

I don't know Tina Simpson from Adam, but if her reaction to her daughter Jessica's much-publicized flub at the Kennedy Center Honors is any indication, she's a woman I would be happy to call a friend.

You may recall Crabbie's own tirade in the wake of news that Jessica had made a fool of herself while trying to sing a Dolly Parton song, in front of Dolly herself, without bothering to prepare. If not, here's a quote from it:

Jessica Simpson is not a professional performer. She's a product of studio trickery and marketing and music videos and her creepy, incestuous father's insistence that she be thrust into the spotlight. Real professionals, like Dolly Parton for example, pay their dues in the business, and are toughened by their experiences. Even if they fucked up in the middle of a song (and I'm certain Parton has done it many times in her life), they would never just crawl away and cry like babies. They would smile bigger and keep on plugging (and in Dolly's case, just show a little more boob).

A brilliant assessment if I do say so myself. And one Tina Simpson would apparently concur with.

Yes, Tina Simpson and Crabbie are on the same page when it comes to Jessica's conduct. Mrs. Simpson, a woman of eminent good sense, told her daughter that her showing was "embarrassing" and "unprofessional," and dressed Jessica down for not rehearsing the number, or even bothering to learn the words. Tina reportedly even went so far as to tell Jessica she should get out of the business if she's not going to put forth the effort.

Hear, hear.

Predictably, Joe Simpson, the plague on humanity largely responsible for shoving Jessica and her even-less-talented sister Ashlee down the public's throat, was much more forgiving of his daughter's flub. The dumb ass even wanted to leave the messed-up performance in CBS's telecast of the event, calling it cute, but was put in his place by CBS who said, had Jessica not re-shot the number, she would've been excised from the presentation altogether.

It's a good thing there's at least one member of the Simpson family who knows what the hell's going on.