Friday, December 8, 2006

Al Gore Wishes Lindsay Lohan Would Go Away

The news of Lindsay Lohan's latest crazy e-mail was a matter of amusement to most of us, but to Al Gore and others whose names were dropped in the maniacal missive, "amusing" is probably not the first word that leaps to mind.

And what exactly could've prompted Lindsay to believe Al Gore had any interest in helping her rehabilitate her image (as she seems to suggest in her e-mail)? Crabbie speculated that Gore was merely being polite at the GQ dinner where they met, and Lindsay misconstrued his courtesy. And that would seem to be a fair guess given the statement released by Gore's office concerning the whole Lindsay affair:

“I can confirm for you that Mr. Gore has only met Ms. Lohan once, very briefly, at the GQ Men of the Year dinner last week," a Gore rep told Access Hollywood. "There were hundreds of other guests."

Right. Gore was making the rounds, shaking hands, doing what politicians do, and probably said something nice to Lindsay, and now she thinks they're BFFs. Because she's a delusional little nut-bag who can't tell when someone is merely demonstrating good manners (possibly because she has none herself).

How mortifying must it be for Al Gore to wake up one morning and have your name connected to Lindsay Lohan, even in such an insignificant, tenuous way? I mean, Al's trying to rehab his own loser image here (and has been successful thanks to his scary movie An Inconvenient Truth). The last thing he needs is some crazy slut glomming onto him in this way. Now Bill Clinton on the other hand...