According to Charlton, Lindsay, who recently "had her appendix removed," was seen Saturday night at Xenii (that's another one of these hip nightspots I guess) having a high old time with tattooed lower life-form Travis Barker (anything Paris Hilton has fucked immediately becomes interesting to Lindsay apparently). Lindsay and Barker reportedly tore up the dancefloor together, taking breaks in between to have some smoky-smoky, and for Lindsay to swig from her water bottle, which Charlton snarkily suggests didn't actually have water in it (really?). The pair reportedly left the club separately around 5 a.m., by which time Lindsay is said to have looked "wasted."
All right, so Lindsay is officially not sober. Big revelation there. And another dispatch from the-hell-you-say central - Lindsay wants to get it on with someone Paris Hilton has discarded. Honestly, this chick is as predictable as Old Faithful. One of these days Lindsay is going to shock us by actually doing something outrageous - like tell the truth.
And by the way: What's going to happen to Lindsay in the future when she actually needs to get her appendix removed? If you say you had it out, then when you actually have it out, you can't tell everyone you had it out again, cause then we'll know you were bullshitting us. Of course, knowing Lindsay, she'll just insist she had two all along. "Yeah, I had to have the other one out." Shit, for all we know, Lindsay might have five or six appendices. She could have a whole god damn colony of them growing in there. Each one of them ready to burst at any moment.
That's why we love you Lindsay. Because you are more full of shit than any human being on the face of the earth.