Monday, January 8, 2007
Madonna Adoption Questions
Madonna is still getting grief over her adoption of Malawian baby David Banda. The questions still swirl: Did Madonna bend the rules to get herself the kid? And what about the boy's father, who says he can't get in touch with Madonna to find out how his son is doing? Is this all a case of a rich white lady pushing around a bunch of backward bushmen? Or is Madonna some kind of saint whom everyone should stop questioning?
No less an authority on baby adoption than Angelina Jolie (speaking of saints) has decided to weigh in on the controversy - and she's not exactly taking Madonna's side. In fact, Jolie has gone so far as to accuse the Immaterial Girl of out-right breaking the law in order to get her hands on her little bundle of previously under-privileged joy. Says Jolie, "Madonna knew the situation in Malawi, where he was born. It's a country where there is no real legal framework for adoption. Personally, I prefer to stay on the right side of the law. I would never take a child away from a place where adoption is illegal."
So there you go Madonna - even Angelina Jolie has respect for the law, and that bitch is this close to having herself declared the Messiah.
But wait, there's more. Madonna, according to reports, is currently sponsoring a fellow named Willard Manjolo at Swansea University in Wales, where he's pursuing a degree in social work. And what's the big deal about that you ask? So Madonna is concerned about helping this guy get an education. Well, it turns out that Mr. Manjolo was one of the Malawian government officials who helped Madonna procure little David. Can you say quid pro quo?
This whole story is starting to smell riper than a pair of Madonna's leotards after two hours on-stage. Bottom line is, Madonna wanted her a baby, and for some reason it had to be that baby, at that moment, regardless of what rules had to be bent. I wonder why she was so dead-set on having that particular kid anyway? Aren't there thousands, if not millions, of youngsters all over the world she could've chosen from? Was it just the way the kid looked? Or is Madonna just one of these rich, over-indulged shits who, when they want something, they're going to have it, even if they're not quite sure why they want it. I fear Madonna's ultimate motive in pursuing the adoption in this shady manner might've been just that - bitch had to get her way, and didn't care how.
Angelina Jolie,