Monday, January 15, 2007

Madonna's Nanny Issues

Angelina Jolie isn't the only one who doesn't like Madonna. Apparently, members of the child-care profession are not particularly high on the pop-star and latter-day rescuer of orphaned kids either, because none of them want to work for her.

Madonna has reportedly been seeking someone to watch new little adopted bundle of joy David Banda since Christmas, but none of the people she's interviewed have been willing to give in to her strict demands. And what's the main sticking point? The fact that Madonna doesn't watch television, and won't allow anyone who works for her to watch it either.

Now come on, Madonna. Everybody knows that half of being a nanny is sitting on the couch watching TV. Asking one of them to not stare at the tube all day would be like asking a plumber not to wear pants that show six inches of ass-crack. It would be like asking Russell Crowe not to be a prick. You need to loosen up, Madge, or you're going to be stuck watching your own kids. And we know that, as a celebrity, you absolutely do not believe in raising your own children.

By the way, it's sort of interesting that Madonna doesn't watch TV or allow her kids to watch it. Now, I sort of agree with the idea that kids shouldn't be allowed to watch television - I think it retards their development and turns them all into little future serial killers (plus I think there are subliminal Satanic messages in Dora the Explorer). But I don't think that Madonna's TV boycott has anything to do with concern over her kids' little sense of reality. I think she's just afraid they'll see something about her on there, and suddenly realize what a filthy slut their mother is. But that's just my opinion.