Monday, January 15, 2007

Stop The Presses: Angelina Jolie And Madonna Are Bi-Sexual

They've both been considered sex goddesses in their time. They both have a thing for adopting babies of other-than-white ethnicity. They've both appeared in atrocious movies. And they've both been attached at one time or another to a known-wacko actor (don't worry, Brad-fans - I'm talking about Billy Bob, and Sean Penn for Madonna). And now we know another thing Angelina Jolie and Madonna have in common. They both did it with uber-lesbo model Jenny Shimizu.

That's according to Shimizu at least, who's set to - surprise, surprise - release a tell-all book (which is sure to be a big-seller among those who suffer a breathless fascination with the sexual exploits of the rich, famous and allegedly beautiful). The Jolie-Shimizu relationship is, of course, no revelation. They met while working on a movie, and hot, steamy lesbo-sex ensued. But the whole Madonna thing is a new one, and what makes it extra-juicy is that, according to Shimizu, she was doing it with Madonna at the same time she was doing it with Jolie.

No, pervs - I don't mean they were having three-ways. I mean Shimizu was going back and forth between Madonna and Jolie. So think about that, kids. Angelina Jolie and Madonna unwittingly sharing the same lesbian lover. I shudder to even imagine the sort of microbes that were being swapped among the three. I mean, you wanna talk about a science experiment.

And how did the whole thing get started between Shimizu and the Immaterial Girl? Shimizu says Madonna discovered her in a casting video. I'm assuming Madonna was casting a video or a movie and not something else. Whatever the case, Shimizu quickly became Madonna's call-girl. “Madonna wanted someone she could trust to call when she wanted pleasuring right there and then," says the well-traveled Shimizu. "I was her secret ‘booty call' available any time of the day or night for secret sex sessions."

Imagine, being on-call to pleasure Madonna whenever she wants it. And you thought doctors didn't get any sleep.

By the way, if you're curious as to what kind of lover Madonna is, Shimizu's got a bit to say about that too. "Far from the domineering, sex-crazed woman many think she is, I found her a very gentle lover. It wasn't about whips and chains." Watch out Jenny. You'll ruin Madonna's reputation with shit like that.