Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin have been viciously going at each other ever since their divorce, and more often than not their daughter Ireland has gotten caught in the middle. Basically, Baldwin accuses Basinger of trying to circumvent their custody agreement, saying she has a "pathological need" to drive a wedge between Ireland and him, while Basinger alleges that Baldwin is more-or-less a maniac.
Legally speaking at least, Baldwin's side would seem to be winning. Especially given the fact that Basinger now faces 12 counts of contempt of court over, among other things, her failure to disclose information to Baldwin per their custody agreement. Should Kim be found guilty of all 12 counts in tomorrow's court session, she could face a 60-day jail sentence. And I'm sure Alec wouldn't be over the moon with happiness if this happened.
Of course it's impossible to really take a side in a case like this. Both individuals are complete selfish idiots who don't seem to care the least bit about how all this is affecting their daughter who is now 11 and therefore old enough to fully realize how fucked up the whole situation is. But that's how egomaniacs operate. Honestly, there ought to be a law against narcissists like these having children.