Sunday, January 14, 2007

Trump Can't Stop Ripping

Donald Trump is on a ripping roll. For weeks he's had Rosie O'Donnell squarely in his cross-hairs, and for the last few days or so he's been targeting Barbara Walters as well. But apparently beating the hell out of those two isn't enough to satisfy a rich white man's lust for blood. So Donald has set his sights on yet another accomplished female victim - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Donald, in an interview with criminal right-winger Sean Hannity set to air tonight, lays into the esteemed Ms. Rice, accusing her of being an ineffectual negotiator, and saying Americans, "want someone that...knows the art of the deal." Meaning him. Of course, Americans may also want someone who knows that when referring to a person you should employ the word "who" and not "that." As in, Americans "want someone who...knows the art of the deal." Obviously, one does not need a firm grasp of English in order to become a billionaire.

"In all fairness," continues the semi-literate Mr. Trump, "I see Condoleezza Rice - she goes on a plane, she gets off a plane, she waves, she goes there to meet some dictator. ... They talk, she leaves, she waves, the plane takes off. Nothing happens, it's a joke, nothing ever happens. I think she's a very nice woman, but I don't want a nice woman. I want someone that's not necessarily nice."

No, Donald. Nice people don't make good negotiators. World-class pricks make good negotiators. Which is why we should nominate you as Secretary of State. And by the way - Rosie, Barbara, Condie Rice. What do these people all have in common, besides being targets of Donald's wrath? Oh yeah - they all have vaginas (I'm giving Rosie the benefit of the doubt). I don't know about you, but I'm starting to suspect Donald may have a misogynistic streak. The man doesn't seem to think very highly of women unless they're the kind you hang on your arm because you're an old bald man who needs to be seen with hot young chicks all the time. And why does Donald need to be seen parading around with these attractive trophy wives of his? Could it be a certain inadequacy in the penis department? Does Donny-wonny have himself a wee wittle willie?

Donald Trump clearly feels threatened by powerful women. That being said, I'm still on his side in the Rosie thing. That cow needs to be put in her place, and if it takes a dickless weasel like Trump to do it, then so be it.