Hard-partying Mean Girls star Lindsay Lohan, in a bid to clean her life up, has begun attending meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous...
Oh wait. That was five minutes ago.
Let's start over...
Newsflash: Lindsay Lohan is a raving drunk. And everyone in the world hates her.
Can I get an amen and a hallelujah?
Lindsay Lohan, the hard-partying star of Mean Girls and Herbie: Fully Loaded, was in rare form at the GQ Men of the Year Awards Dinner in West Hollywood Wednesday night - to the almost universal chagrin of the other a-listers in attendance.
Reports say that Lohan, who was at the dinner with her mother Dina, became irrationally irate at the sight of her ex-assistant, who now works for radiant and well-adjusted starlet Jessica Biel.
"If she stays, I'm outta here!" Lohan is said to have shouted. "I can't look at that girl! I can't believe you would allow an assistant in here - she doesn't belong in here!"
The crazy, alcohol-fueled scene did not impress other celebs at the event. Having heard Ms. Lohan's outburst, funny-man Will Ferrell is reported to have turned to tablemates Leonardo DiCaprio, Al Gore and Ben Affleck and said, "Who cares about that freak anymore, anyway?", eliciting laughter from the others.
There was, however, one person at the party who seemed to enjoy Ms. Lohan's company - Jackass star Johnny Knoxville. Lohan is reported to have "lit up" upon seeing Knoxville, and then proceeded to make out with him. Lohan later left the affair in the company of Mr. Knoxville and ex Harry Morton.
Dina Lohan, it is reported, did little to try and calm Lindsay down.
Again, amen. Although, it does need to be pointed out that if Lindsay doesn't start behaving herself a little better, she is not going to be invited to these events anymore.
It's pretty obvious that Lindsay can't stand not being the center of attention. She probably saw all those other big stars at the dinner, especially girls like Jessica Biel, who has Lindsay beat in the looks and class departments by a wide margin, and just had to get noticed. So she got her way. Like she's been doing all her life, thanks to the negligence of Dina and that jailbird father of hers.
Jealousy + poor social skills + money + alcohol = fun for us.