Tuesday, January 9, 2007

God May Be Tired Of Them, But We're Not

The stars came out for the premiere of God Grew Tired Of Us, a depressing movie about some Sudanese kids embarking on a journey to America (why they'd want to come here is beyond me; we've got nothing but wildfires, funny gas smells and Rosie O'Donnell about to go Hindenburg). Here's that crazy globe-trotting, do-goodering couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Why does Brad look extremely medicated in this picture? Maybe it's because he is. And by the way, Angelina - way to throw Madonna under the bus hon. We all know you resent that bitch for trying to move in on your whole savior-of-the-world thing. I would suggest you settle it by mud-wrestling the old whore, but I don't honestly think anyone wants to see Madonna mud-wrestling.

Here's Nicole Kidman - can't see her tummy, so there's no chance of us speculating as to whether she's pregnant. There is one thing we can speculate about however - Nicole's Botox use. I'm guessing she got her face shot up not long before this picture was snapped. In fact, I'm betting Nicole carries a supply around in her purse with her. And any time she's feeling saggy she just heads to the bathroom and toxifies herself. If bitch's face were any more frozen it would be a TV dinner.

What the hell is Johnny Knoxville doing at the premiere of some hoity-toity movie about the triumph of the human spirit? Someone must've told him there'd be free booze. Or some hot Sudanese tail. Or maybe Johnny just got confused. He heard, "God Grew Tired Of Us," and thought it was a movie about some nuns breaking their vows with each other. Johnny likes him some hot nun lesbo action I'm told. He also enjoys penis-fencing, projectile vomiting and seeing how many Skittles he can ram up his nose.